Friday, December 4, 2009

Faculty Notes

Happy Friday!

As we go into the final two weeks before Christmas vacation, here are some important reminders:

1. Please see that your grades on Edline are current. We want to ensure that parents have a clear picture of where their children stand this close to the end of the semester. If a student is in danger of failing, please notify the parents by phone and discuss the matter.

2. Our January 4 in-service will feature Dr. Frank Buck in two morning sessions that I believe will be very helpful for all of us. Dr. Buck is an expert in the area of organization and time management, and has helped countless teachers and administrators "get it together." He is the author of two books, the most recent of which will be published in January. You may read Dr. Buck's blog on organization here.

3. Homeroom teachers will be given Sage Dining surveys to be distributed to your students early next week. Please impress upon your students the importance of completing these seriously, as we are striving to make our lunch program the best it can be.

4. Please plan on a brief faculty meeting Monday afternoon after carpool in Kathy Pirtle's room. We will discuss exams and other end-of-semester housekeeping items.

Thanks so much to Kathy Pirtle, Latrell Fussell, and Lisa Smithson for putting together our annual trip to the Shakespeare Festival. We deeply appreciate your hard work!

Have a great weekend!

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