Monday, March 30, 2009

Good Monday Morning!

Good Morning!

I hope everyone enjoyed the weekend!

Here are just a few quick announcements as we begin the new week:

1. Please make plans for an extended first period this Thursday, April 2.  We should be able to dismiss first period at around 9:20.

2. Please make plans for a faculty meeting next Monday, April 6, at 3:40 p.m.   If we do not meet as a K-12 group, we will meet as a division.

3. Teachers who have lunch duty will need to help us dismiss tables once they are clean after the bell rings.  Our students have been doing a better job with this, but we will have to stay on top of this type of thing until the end of the year.

4.  As always, please keep communicating with parents in a proactive manner.  Parents appreciate this and it goes a long way toward preventing problems.

5. It is more important than ever that we look for ways to include writing in every part of our program.  Many of you are coming up with some wonderfully creative ideas to this end, and I may ask you to share them with your fellow faculty members.

Thanks, as always, for your professionalism.  It is an honor and a pleasure to work with you each day!

Have a great week!

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