Friday, April 1, 2011

Faculty Notes

Happy Friday!

Thanks for a great week!  You all do such a fine job each day, and I appreciate every one of you.

Khan Academy

I know I mentioned this last week, but I want to emphasize it this week.  Please take some time to have a look at this website.  Khan Academy serves as a tremendous resource not only for classroom teaching, but for individual student work outside of class.  I have made our parents aware of this resource, and I believe that we should investigate it thoroughly as individual teachers.

Katherine Wolf

We are so pleased to have Katherine Arnold Wolf here at Trinity on Wednesday, April 6 at 8:50 a.m. to speak to our middle & upper school students in Willett Hall.  In April of 2008, Katherine had a massive brain-stem stroke. She was not expected to live or recover. In the time since her stroke, she has relearned to eat, to speak, and is now relearning to walk. To read more about her story of Hope check out her website by clicking here.

Clinton Carter

Like me, some of you worked for Clinton Carter when he was either principal at Robert E. Lee High School or superintendent of the Montgomery Public Schools.  Dr. Carter will be our guest next Wednesday as a part of our Lunch with Leaders program.  If you know him, I'm sure he'd be glad for you to drop by and say hello.

Grade Level Lunches

I would like to begin meeting with grade levels during lunch beginning within the next week.  This will not be necessary for the sixth grade teachers as they have common planning time.  However, this might provide a great opportunity for 7th and 8th grade teams to meet when the schedule is less than perfect.  Look for a specific schedule early next week, and, as always, I welcome your input with respect to this idea.

Principal Evaluation

Thanks so much for your responses on my recent principal evaluation.  In addition to the many kind things you had to say, I was also able to get some fabulous suggestions as to how our program can continue to move forward and be the very best middle school possible.  Your input is very valuable to me.  I count it a very high honor and privilege to work with each of you!

Have a great weekend!

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