Greetings from the "Mile High City!"
As I compose this post, I can look out my 15th floor window and see a sunset view of the Denver skyline, with lights twinkling in the windows of the buildings, and activity on the 16th Street Mall as the Friday night life gets underway. All of this is shrouded by the beautiful, snow-capped Rocky Mountains. And to top it all off, the weather has been beautiful! Would you believe that I waited on the tarmac in Montgomery while the wings of my airplane were de-iced, only to arrive to 72-degree sunny weather on the ground in Denver? Needless to say, I got in a little sight-seeing after settling into my room Wednesday afternoon!
I can't wait to share with you the many things that I have learned at this conference. So far, I have attended clinics on time management and organization, brain research as it relates to middle school kids, writing across the curriculum, how to conduct meaningful classroom observations, integration of technology into the curriculum, and how to make any needed cultural changes in a school. All of this, and I have three more classes tomorrow before the closing session.
The highlight so far was getting to hear Jim Collins, author of Good to Great, talk about how to move a middle school into the "great" category. We have so much going for us, I know that we can be absolutely stellar!
Folks, I can't tell you how thankful I am and how thankful we all should be that we are at Trinity. Many of the teachers and administrators I have been around this week are in very difficult circumstances. Sometimes, their difficulties are caused by overbearing government regulations, standards, and incessant testing. Other times there are socioeconomic factors that complicate the teaching process. Classroom management is tough for many, and most feel as though the parents don't really care.
I have spoken to principals who were so frustrated about their lack of technology that I felt embarrassed when I had to honestly answer their questions by telling them we have fifty SmartBoards on our campus. For most of these people, an Apple Mobile Laptop Cart is a pipe dream. And, quite frankly, 90% of the people I have met would drop dead of shock if they saw how well behaved our students are.
This weekend, take a few moments to pause, clear your head, and thank the Good Lord that He has placed you at Trinity, given you wonderful facilities and resources, supportive teammates, and great kids. When parents want to know about the progress of their children, be thankful that they are interested and work with them. Then come back refreshed Monday morning ready to make a difference in some lives.
Do I sound pumped? You bet! And I have good reason. There is nothing like getting away for a few days only to realize that there is nothing standing in the way of your school being absolutely OUTSTANDING. Let's make it happen!
You guys are THE BEST! I'm looking forward to seeing you again Monday morning!
Have a great weekend!
PS: You can see a TeacherTube report on the opening day of this conference by clicking here.
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