Sunday, February 28, 2010

Faculty Notes

I hope you have enjoyed your weekend. Just think, only two more weeks until Spring Break!

Please remember to be consistent with respect to our discipline plan, the posting of grades, and communication with parents. As we enter the spring, it is more important than ever that we follow procedures and present a united front when dealing with our students. Taking care of business on our end will make things run more smoothly for all involved.

Those of you who have lunch duty, please help each day by clearing the Willett Hall lobby and the restrooms when we begin our announcements. We have some students who are hanging out in those places until the bell rings, and they need to hear any announcements that Coach Ragsdale or I may have.

I hope you find the following tips helpful as we enter a new week. See you in the morning!

10 Resolutions for a Great School Year

  • Resolution No. 1: I will learn a new technology to enhance my teaching.
  • Resolution No. 2: I will not teach my lessons the same way I did last year.
  • Resolution No. 3: I will only take papers or lesson planning home with me on designated weeknights. I will leave some nights and weekends just to enjoy my personal life free from schoolwork.
  • Resolution No. 4: I will collaborate more with colleagues in my school and in other schools around the world.
  • Resolution No. 5: I will not eat my lunch alone in my room every day.
  • Resolution No. 6: I will give every student a clean slate, regardless of what other students, parents, or school staff have told me.
  • Resolution No. 7: I will be a positive light—even if I'm surrounded in negativity.
  • Resolution No. 8: I will try to improve my school, not just my class.
  • Resolution No. 9: I will do my best to provide for my students.
  • Resolution No. 10: I will learn at least one new skill this year outside my comfort zone.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Faculty Notes

Hello, All!

I hope everyone enjoyed the beautiful weekend we just had!

Please remember that we have an important professional development opportunity tomorrow regarding the integration of technology into the curriculum. As a part of the training, I will show you how I made the DC videos that were so popular with our parents. In fact, here is the latest:

Please also remember to keep Edline updated, and make sure that you sign up for tests on the board in the teacher workroom.

See you tomorrow!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Happy Long Weekend

Due to the long weekend, we will deal with announcements, etc, when we return to school next Tuesday. For now, enjoy the snow and get some rest!

See you all next week!