Happy Friday!
Thanks for putting up with “Homecoming Madness” around here the last few days! The kids certainly were creative with our spirit days, and seemed to have fun this week.
Please mark your calendars now for a 6-12 chapel to be held November 2. We will be talking about Neverthirst, which is a ministry that provides clean drinking water in communities where dirty water accounts for a great deal of sickness and death each year. We will also learn about Friendship Mission, a local ministry here in Montgomery. This will begin a school wide emphasis on the importance of focusing on missions locally and around the world. You may find out more about Neverthirst by accessing their website here.
Please remember that I will be away at Camp Cosby with our 6th grade students Monday through Wednesday of next week. Randy Ragsdale will be acting principal in my absence.
Our 7th grade students will be out of school next Friday as we tour Montgomery’s government buildings. As a part of their Civics curriculum, students will be examining the executive, legislative and judicial branches of our state government, and will have a picture made with Governor Riley at the State Capitol Building.
We are excited to announce that Mayor Todd Strange will be our guest on Tuesday, November 17. Mayor Strange will be having lunch with our student council as a part of our Lunch with Leaders program.
Here are a couple of links that may be of interest to you:
This site offers suggestions for ways you can go beyond Powerpoint presentations with the projectors in your classrooms. These ideas, combined with the use of our SmartBoards should be able to provide you with quite a bit of variety in your daily teaching.
Tech and Learning offers some practical ideas regarding student-centered Wikis, demonstrating the truly interactive nature of Wikis and how they may be used in your classroom.
Have a great weekend!