Happy Friday!
I hope you had a wonderful week!
Here are just a few quick announcements as we head into the weekend:
1. Thanks so much for your participation in our capital campaign. Your support makes quite a statement about the mission and vision of our school.
2. SAIS committees are scheduled to meet Monday afternoon. If you have not heard from your committee chair, please contact them to see if you are required to meet.
3. Please make plans to support the middle school football team Monday afternoon at 5:00. They will be opening their season here against Alabama Christian.
4. Try to peek in on our volleyball team when they play here at home. Games usually begin at 4:30 and are listed on the calendar on the Trinity website. It means so much to the kids when you show your support!
5. Thanks for the great job you did at PTO night this week. I am hearing great things from parents! They are showing confidence in our program, and that is because of YOU and the professional way in which you do your job. Keep up the good work!
6. As always, Let Coach Ragsdale or me know if we can ever help you by speaking with a student. We are happy to provide an encouraging word with respect to academics or discipline. Our job is to support you, so please let us know how we can do that.