Monday, March 30, 2009

E-Learning Opportunities

Please see me if you are interested in e-learning opportunities offered by the State Department of Education this summer.

Good Monday Morning!

Good Morning!

I hope everyone enjoyed the weekend!

Here are just a few quick announcements as we begin the new week:

1. Please make plans for an extended first period this Thursday, April 2.  We should be able to dismiss first period at around 9:20.

2. Please make plans for a faculty meeting next Monday, April 6, at 3:40 p.m.   If we do not meet as a K-12 group, we will meet as a division.

3. Teachers who have lunch duty will need to help us dismiss tables once they are clean after the bell rings.  Our students have been doing a better job with this, but we will have to stay on top of this type of thing until the end of the year.

4.  As always, please keep communicating with parents in a proactive manner.  Parents appreciate this and it goes a long way toward preventing problems.

5. It is more important than ever that we look for ways to include writing in every part of our program.  Many of you are coming up with some wonderfully creative ideas to this end, and I may ask you to share them with your fellow faculty members.

Thanks, as always, for your professionalism.  It is an honor and a pleasure to work with you each day!

Have a great week!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Blood Drive Reward for Middle-Schoolers


Please remind your students to encourage their parents to participate in our Blood Drive this Friday between the hours of 7:15 a.m. and 11:45 a.m. in the South Gym.  The grade that brings the most parents will be treated to a Krsipy Kreme party.  The ninth grade is included in this contest, so let's make sure that the party goes to a middle school grade!

Thanks for helping us give the "gift of life."

Ideas to Inspire


Check out this great website for a ton of ideas for use across the curriculum.  Let me know what works out best for you.

Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Smile and Move!

Good Morning!

At the risk of publicizing a book (which is not what I am trying to do) I invite you to check out this "Smile and Move" website.  With just a few minutes of your time and an few clicks of the mouse, you can receive a healthy dose of encouragement and a great attitude adjustment (which we all tend to need in the "home stretch!").  

Thanks so much for who you are, and for your dedicated service to Trinity!

Have a Terrific Tuesday!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Blog Subscription Information


Please note that you can now enter your email address in the space to the right of this post and have each new post delivered to your inbox.  There have been many questions about subscribing to this blog, and this seems to be the very best answer of all.

Thanks to my good friend Frank Buck for putting me on to this through his school system blog.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Good Monday Morning!

I hope everyone had a chance to enjoy the beautiful weather we had this weekend!

Here are a couple of announcements as we begin our final week before Spring Break:

1. We will have a faculty meeting this afternoon in Whittington McLemore's room (right next door to Kathy Pirtle's room).  We will be learning how to use our Apple Mobile Laptop Carts and you will receive CEUs for attending.

2. 7th grade lesson plans are due by Friday.

3. Please remember that proactive communication is very important.  Grades should be updated on Edline the first and third Monday of each month.  If a student begins having academic difficulty, notify the parents and document your conversation.  Along the same line, please notify parents of any discipline problems you may encounter.

4. Please remember that we are moving toward conferencing as a team.  I am trying to discourage parental "drop-in" conferences.  This language will be in next year's handbook and we will make it a matter of practice throughout the middle school.  Conferences may be scheduled through the Guidance Center

I'm looking forward to seeing each of you at 3:40 today in Whittington's room!

Have a great day!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Good Monday Morning!

Our weekly faculty announcements will be posted on Monday mornings beginning today.

Here are some general announcements to start off the week:

1. There will be no faculty meeting this afternoon.  I will try to cover our important points here in order to avoid keeping you here after school unless absolutely necessary.  I will be planning some professional development activities for the remainder of the year, and we will try to use our faculty meeting time for that type of thing.

2. Sixth grade and fine arts lesson plans are due this week.  Please have them in by Friday.  If you teachers in the other grades feel as though you missed a week, it is fine with me if you simply turn in your plans on your next due date.  We will follow with 7th grade and technology next week, and 8th grade and PE the week after Spring Break.

3. Please help us during the day by keeping your classroom doors closed and locked.  It is also very important that you notify a teacher in an adjacent room if you must leave the room for even a few moments with students present.  We should avoid leaving classes unattended, but if an emergency arises, please have the teacher in the room next door help keep and eye on your students.

4. Thanks so much for the wonderful job you did in helping us handle our tornado warnings Friday.  Things ran smoothly due to your professionalism.

5. I have been so impressed with the infusion of writing into so many classes across our curriculum.  Thanks for the effort in this area!  Please continue to find ways to have your students write, even if just a little every couple of days.  This is a skill that they will be called upon to utilize throughout the remainder of their educational career and future work life.

6. If you find an opportunity, please take a moment to thank Ahna Baggett for leading our first-ever middle school chapel service last Thursday.  The feedback on this new endeavor has been nothing but positive.

7. If a parent requests a conference with you, please tell them that these are now being scheduled through the Guidance Center and that we are meeting together in grade level teams.  This allows us to examine issues that are present in all classes and work together for a solution.

Have a great week!